
I'm making slow and steady progress. We have less than a week here at the Vermont Studio Center. The main problem-- if it is a problem-- is that there are so many interesting people here doing a myriad of things which I want to talk to them about. For instance, this morning I spoke with Florence Neal of Red Hook, Brooklyn, and Cindy Kim who just graduated from RISD with her BFA and is returning to Toronto to decompress. Florence is doing a lot of beautiful Japanese woodcut printing, and Cindy works across mediums, but mostly is a painter and videographer.

Here is what I've got so far. My goal is to finish a painting a day and then start a new experiment on Monday. I basically have until Wednesday and then I leave Friday morning, hopefully with paintings dry:) I don't know if these goals will be achieved, but for good reason, since I'll be heading over to Nick Anger's studio to see some mold castings (he makes exquisite knives) and then to Erika Adams' undercover office hours in the Wolf Kahn building.


Vermont Studio Center -- the obligatory group photo

