Saturday: The Day to End All Days
1. Wake up and immediately go back to sleep. 2. Wake up again. Get dressed and try to remember how to conjugate etre.
3. Go to the galleries. See that your paintings have fallen. Jerry-rig them again.
4. Monter le chemin for the chateau on the hill with Mme Picarda and watch some Breton dancing.
4a. See amazing cloud formations!
4b. Listen to speeches you can't understand!
5. Swoon over flower gardens at Chateauneuf
6. Swoon over everything at St. Suliac!
6a. More cloud formations! Yay!
6b. More gardens, more swooning!
6d. Walk around the church grounds.
6e. Another perfect door.
6f. See holly hocks.
6g. My receipt from lunch which I will take back to China with me, because that's where I'm from.
6h. A crusty old fart.
6i. Amy's first meal after being sick for a few days. :((
7. Drive to St. Malo. Immediately depart St. Malo.
8. Drive to Rotheneuf, les rocheurs sculptes. Spend the best 2.50euros of the residency.
9. Drive to Dinard over the bridge from St. Malo. Take a coffee at one of the hotels overlooking the sea.
10. Return to Lehon. Skype with Toby about the necessity of buying Ikea furniture. Reckon with the impending return to the quotidien and feel depressed.
11. But only momentarily. Go to the Fest Noz and visit the Temple of Mars for the second time. (See previous posts.)
12. Sleep.