Becherel, the city of books

A few days ago, Amy, Jane Irish and I went to the chateau grounds just outside the city centre of Becherel to paint. We managed to get into the gardens through a small gate lying east of the chateau's formal grounds and through the woods you come to an allee of trees and then slowly but stupendously the allee resolves into a cross into the open grounds filled with rose bushes and topiary.

The petit cite de charactere of Becherel is a really amazing little spot. The town is littered with secondhand book stores and hybrid book store/tea shoppes. I decided to be really lazy and unambitious and buy a French translation of Anna Karenina. Here is the first sentence from the French, which I bet you can recognize:):

"Toutes les familles heureuses se ressemblent, mais, chaque famille malheureuse l'est a sa facon.

I also bought a youth-adaptation of Ivanhoe which I've started reading.

On our way home Amy spotted a typically modest sign for another one of these amazing Breton jewels: a XV century chateau. We found it closed until July, so naturally we found another way in.


Getting prets pour l'Exposition


The Temple of Mars