Quick Landscape Studies
I promised I would post some landscape studies that I have been doing during the sporadically nice-weather days. Here is one that I did in Baltimore County, in Moncton where there is a lot of rural farmland. I spent about 2.5-3 hours on this, and it is very low-chroma (meaning the colors are low in saturation, because it was quite foggy that morning).
This next study I busted out in about 30 or 40 minutes so it is obviously not very finished, but you get a sense of what I was going for. I had started another painting earlier in the afternoon but from a different vantage point where the sun was flat on the abandoned rail car and it was difficult to get a sense of form. So I decided to move and try again, but then there was only about 45 minutes before the sun set. This is on Falls Road, near the Hampden area of Baltimore.
There were a lot of drug dealers on this road, who asked me if I wanted to buy some "candy," which, I guess, is code for drugs.